Extracts Spring 2025
Storms, SSBNs, beam trawling...
Colin Dunlop signs on as a paid hand:
Captain Watchlin, who had been the last master and owner of a square-rigged ship working in the Tasman Sea, now lived on an old schooner called the Margot Ann in Sydney's Rushcutters Bay. He was in his late seventies or early eighties. I was twenty-four, so to me he looked very old. He told me that he had been accepted by Shackleton to go south in 1914, but the Royal New Zealand Navy Reserve had refused to release him. He treasured the letter from Shackleton expressing regret that he could not go. I used to row out and visit him on weekends and listen to his tales of the days of commercial sail, and when he told me that he wanted to return to Picton in his native New Zealand and needed a crew to help him, I jumped at the job.
Rozelle Raynes cruises the Netherlands:
We motored into the great sea-lock at Flushing, where we moored alongside a pilotage vessel. Margaret, who was busy making fast our bow-line, smiled sweetly at the Dutch pilot on the other end of the line and said; ‘Dank u wel, Mijnheer. Hoe ver is het van hier naar Vere, als’t u blieft?’
She was answered by a huge grin and a deluge of long guttural words from several men who had suddenly appeared on deck. Quite unruffled, she extracted a little book entitled Dutch in Six Easy Lessons from the pocket of her bell-bottomed trousers and began to ask them detailed questions about the canals in Holland.
‘You never told me that you could speak Dutch?’ I remarked rather jealously, once we had cleared customs and passed through the lock.
‘I’ve never tried before!’ she laughed. ‘But I wouldn’t dream of visiting a new country without being able to utter a word.’
Clifford Ashley goes whaling:
The crew pulled jerkily and unevenly; it was a far cry to the long, whippy stroke of the later season. Someone stood up in the sternsheets. 'A short and greasy voyage!' he called, and the boat and the sloop gave us three rousing cheers. Then we turned to the open sea. The crew gathered in a silent group at the forecastle, and watched the narrow strip of headland fade slowly away.
Toward nightfall Cooper screwed up the deadlights; and later, the wind freshening from a new quarter, the last vestige of land quickly dropped from our horizon. The steerage that night was not an inviting place in which to sleep. On a clutter of chests and dunnage the boat-steerers sprawled, drinking, wrangling, smoking. The floor was littered with rubbish, the walls hung deep with clothing; squalid, congested, filthy.
Commodore John Milnes on SSBN patrol:
After negotiating the upper reaches of the Clyde on the surface, heading down to the Cumbraes Gap, one could relax just a little and muse on being the Captain of one of the most powerful warships Britain has ever built, sitting on top of a reactor, a forest of nuclear missiles, a quiverful of torpedoes and around two hundred crew. Such romantic moments are short-lived, however, and the reality of diving and getting underwater takes over. Diving the submarine for the first time after an off-crew and a period alongside is an exciting event...
Jono Dunnett goes windsurfing:
There are many sensible ways of going round Japan. A bicycle would be a pleasant way to see the country, for example, and would avoid most of the headaches I am about to explain. The trains are fun, too. A few intrepid folks have sea-kayaked round it. Mine is the first (and possibly the last) attempt to windsurf round Japan. By 'round Japan' I mean round the four main islands of Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu and Shikoku. The crossings between these islands are easy, at least in terms of distance, and the many smaller islands to the south are so far away that we can pretend we didn’t see them.
The advice comes with the caveat that at present I am only halfway through my voyage. This slower-than-expected progress means that I have failed to evade the winter. It is only December, but the cold northeast winds are relentless and it snows every day. The first tip I can offer is to have an empty diary for the next year or two.
Julian Blatchley threads the Malacca Strait:
I was twelve days out of Ras Tannurah. I had guided the 330,000-ton Sorrento out of the political and navigational complexities of the Persian Gulf, rolled across the Arabian Sea with the southwest monsoon on my beam, then followed the traffic lane from Dondra Head to the tip of Sumatra. I had used this last stage to complete my paperwork and bank as much rest as possible for the task now facing me – to take Sorrento through SOMS, the Straits of Malacca and Singapore. These two contiguous waterways, laced with shallows, studded with wrecks, scoured by strong tides and subject to poor visibility in torrential rain or forest fires, carry a quarter of the entire trade of the planet.
Max Liberson goes beam trawling:
A beam trawler tows two trawls, one on each side. To keep them apart on the seabed they are worked from a derrick or beam, one each side, pivoting from the base of the main mast. The trawls themselves are protected from big rocks getting into them by a stone mat, a big sort of grid made up by links of chain shackled together to make squares, attached to a trawl beam with huge steel shoes. On the Pieter the trawl weight on each side was about five tonnes. Because of this enormous weight the gear could be towed at five knots on the seabed without lifting off. Additionally, the stone mat being dragged across the ground would dig out the fish that liked to hide, such as the highly desirable Dover sole, and the gear would cover twice as much ground as a normal trawler. Beam trawlers could catch a lot of fish; but there were drawbacks.
In spite of all the attempts to bring the world of health and safety to the fishing industry, there is something the landbound bureaucrats in their warm offices don’t seem to be able to grasp. While these small ships are wonderfully stable with gear down and beams horizontally deployed like a tightrope walker’s pole, when it comes time to get the gear on deck the physics changes. Topping up the beams is the equivalent of placing a five-ton weight on the top of the mast. Just when you need the maximum stability because you have to stop fishing as the wind and waves have increased, the boat becomes about as stable as a pig on a pogo stick.
Gordon Davies on inventions necessity is not necessarily the mother of:
Innovation at sea has always been a slow process. Occasionally, though, an old problem is seen in a new light when talented people bring insight from other fields. Sometimes their ideas are successful, sometimes less so.
Speed and comfort have long been a selling point for passenger ships, and much enthusiasm and considerable finance have been poured into their pursuit. In the 1850s Ross Winans, a successful and innovative American multi-millionaire manufacturer of railway locomotives and rolling stock, believed that a fast transatlantic ship should have a cylindrical central part, streamlined by the addition of long conical ends. This shape was in vogue for submarines, though a hull with circular cross-sections seems a strange choice for a surface ship operating half in water and half in air. In 1858 he had two prototype ‘cigar ships’ built in his home city of Baltimore.
Martin O'Scannall visits the Cape Verdes:
La Gomera, Valle del Gran Rey, slowly faded. The wind-shadow played its expected tricks. There is an acceleration zone between the islands, and once again there came one of those out-of-nowhere winds. You see it coming, the sea upwind dark and agitated, spume whipped off nascent whitecaps. You know all too well what that means – more hanging on somehow, that here-we-go-again feeling. We struck all sail and forged our way southwards under bare poles, rolling abominably, one step short of trailing warps. Below was sheer torture, the simplest task a nightmare. Watches clipped on, wedged in, thank goodness for windvane steering. Scan the horizon. Nothing but hundreds of miles of empty sea, watch after watch. The one consolation is the speed, which is phenomenal, and in the right direction.
Alan Stoney runs an ad-hoc ferry service:
A couple of days later on a flat calm afternoon we motored into Greatman’s Bay. There was a wide slick of oil on the water, and occasional floating pieces of charred timber. It seemed that earlier that morning one of the boats ferrying tourists from Rossaveel to Inishmore had caught fire a minute out from the pier. The skipper, standing in the wheelhouse, had smelt smoke and lifted the engine-room hatch under his feet. Almost immediately the wheelhouse was engulfed in flames. Fortunately there were other boats in close proximity, and these took off the passengers and crew without incident or injury; had it happened outside in the North Sound the outcome might have been very different. The ferryboat burned to the waterline and sank later that morning. (It has to be said that all this took place just over forty years ago, before much of the MSO’s certification and mandatory safety standards had been introduced. As far as I remember the only constraint then was ‘no more than twelve skulls aboard’, and this was only occasionally overseen, let alone enforced, by Gardai on the quay.)
Jon Tucker reports from the Boatyard at the Bottom of the World:
This is not a typical profit-driven boatyard. The owners, Murray and his wife Jo, have arranged for a yard worker to empty the trimaran’s wastewater drums now that David is too ill to do this unpleasant task, and the office ladies ensure that Cynthia’s needs are catered for. Their considerate ethos seems to pervade the yard, where the employees all seem cheerful in their work.
Murray and Jo are in their mid-seventies. They have owned the land here since Murray gave up fishing and began a sand-mining business, towing barges along the coast, in aid of which he bought fifteen acres of mangrove-lined industrial waterfront to build a slipway for the huge barges. When the market for sand collapsed, the land behind the slipway ramp morphed into a boatyard, sprouting random covered structures – useful huts and outhouses, augmented by rusting containers and the occasional garden shed. Boats came and went. Some stayed, and continued to stay.
Andrew Darwin takes to the canals:
Harold Hemming had a burning ambition to explore the European waterways. But he was a tall man, and every boat he looked at had limited headroom and was a pretty tight squeeze all round. He reckoned that spending weeks in such a restricted space would be pretty miserable. He had, however, been comfortable in caravans. One day in the cinema he happened to see an episode of Look at Life featuring houseboats on the Norfolk Broads, one of which was clearly a conventional caravan sitting on pontoons, which not only raised the actual caravan right out of the water but made it completely stable. Harold immediately bought one, and set about adapting it to his needs.
… and of course there are flotsam and jetsam, Near Seas News, books, the reprehensible musings of tugmaster and tobacco smuggler Ray Doggett, and the luminous illustrations of the inimitable Claudia Myatt.